Workout #1- At Home Tabata Workout- Time: 4 minutes, Equipment: Body weight or medicine ball
Tabata training is a relatively new style of training but is very similar to interval training. In this tabata workout your only going to do one exercise. The exercise is called a "thruster". To perform this you will either use your bodyweight or a medicine ball. For this examply we will use the medicine ball. Standing with your feet slightly outside hip width and toes pointed out, hold the medicine ball at your chest level. Squat down than explosively stand up while pressing the medicine ball over your head then repeat. Thats all there is to the exercise. Now your going to perform the exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds, trying to get as many "thrusters" completed in those 20 seconds. you will repeat the 20/10 split for 8 sets or 4 total minutes(Each set is 30 seconds long). By the last few sets your going to be sore and hurting. Try to keep going but if you have to stop and rest than do so. Try to get at least 8 reps in each set.
Workout #2- Bodyweight Circuit- Time: 15 minutes, Equipment: Body weight
Circuit training has become a staple in many gyms and in many training routines. Its a great way to get your whole body worked in a short amount of time. With this workout you will perform all bodyweight exercises back to back until you have completed them all then you will get a short rest. Here is your workout:
- Push ups
- Burpee- From standing, bend down and put your hands on the ground, then jump and push your legs back so you are in a push up position, then jump your legs back up towards your chest than stand up again. Thats one burpee. (Variation: If this is too high impact than just squat down and touch the ground than stand back up)
- Reverse Lunge- Like a normal lunge but instead of stepping forward, step backwards.
- Chair dip- Using a chair, rest your palms on the edge of the chair seat with your back towards the chair, stretch your legs out away from your body. Bending at the elbows, lower your body until your upper arm is parallel to the ground or your butt hit the floor. Push your self back up. Then repeat.
- Mountain Climber- From a push up position start with one knee bent, near the chest with the other leg still extended. Then explosively jump, switching your legs bringing the straight leg towards your chest and straightening your bent leg.
- Plank- In a push up position lower onto your elbows and hold the position. Making sure to squeeze your abdominals together(it should feel like your trying to pull them through your belly button)
- Side Plank(L)- Like a normal plank but rest on one elbowso one side of your body is close to the ground. Hold and squeeze like a normal plank.
- Side Plank(R)- same as above.
- REST!!!!
Workout #3- Circuit Training- Time: 20-24 minutes, Equipment: Swiss ball, dumbells
This will be similar to the circuit training above in the methods of performing the workouts with 15 seconds on each exercise for the first 4, then resting for 1 minute, then perform the next 4 exercises in the same fashion with a minute rest after. This is one circuit, repeat for 5-6 circuits making the total time between 20 and 24 minutes. These exercises are performed with equipment that is affordable and wont take up much room in your house.
- Swiss ball push ups- This can be done two ways with either your feet and shins resting on the ball, or your hands on the ball and your feet on the ground. Either way you choose, perform a normal push up.
- Dumbbell Row- With weights in hand, slightly bend your knees and hips so your torso is at a 45 degree angle. Then let the weights hang in front of you, then pulling the weights to your chest making sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together, then slowly lower the weights.
- Thruster- Standing upright with dumbbells at shoulder level, squat down, then explosively stand up pushing the dumbbells overhead.
- DB RDL- RDL stands for Romanian Deadlift which is similar to a normal deadlift except you only lower the weight just past your knees. To perform the exercise, stand upright with the weights being held in front of you. Bend at the knees and hip and lower until the weights just get past the knees, then stand back up.
- REST!!!!
- Swiss ball Roll out- Kneel in front of the swiss ball with your elbows resting on it. Slowly roll the ball outward so your torso starts to lower and gets closer to the floor. Then contract your core and pull the ball back toward you. Thats one rep.
- Swiss ball glute/ham raise- With your back on the ground, rest your legs on top of a swiss ball. Then lift your torso off the ground so you form a straight line with the back of your ankles/ calves on the ball and your shoulders still on the ground. Then try to curl the ball toward your butt. Roll the ball back out keeping your torso in the air. Thats one rep. Be careful on this and dont try to rush reps or you will fall off the ball and could hurt yourself.
- Swiss ball DB Curl and Press- Sitting on a swiss ball with your arms at your sides and DB in your hands, curl the weights up and press them overhead. Next, slowly lower the weight to your sides and repeat.
- Swiss ball plank- Similar to the swiss ball push up, you can rest either your legs or hands on the ball. Either way get into a push up position and hold this like a plank. Making sure to squeeze your abdominals tight.
- REST!!!
As a heads up these workouts are for when you cant make it to the gym or dont have much time and not for a full time workout plan. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks.